Rotary Business Works Grant Announcement
PRINCETON, WV – The Princeton Economic Development Authority proudly announces a joint venture between PEDA, the Princeton Rotary Club, and the Chamber of Commerce of the Two Virginias to create the Princeton Business Works Grant. This opportunity will represent a funding source valued at $1,250 per quarter to provide relief for Princeton businesses’ planning improvement projects. Qualifying expenses include signage, conversion of storefronts, and contracted services for direct business support projects. Applications will be open at the beginning of each quarter and will be accepted until the last day of that quarter. The winner will be determined within thirty days and will be expected to provide a presentation about their project and business during one of Princeton Rotary Club’s regular Friday meetings. All decisions related to the grant will be determined by the Princeton Business Works Committee, composed of the PEDA Director, the Chamber CEO, and a group of Princeton Rotary Members.
The Princeton Business Works Committee is now accepting applications for Q3 2022 until September 30th. Applications can be requested by email at [email protected] or in person at Princeton City Hall.
If you have any questions regarding the grant, please contact Samuel Lusk at 681-282-5703.